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Forums/ Feature Requests
By onno2 2023-02-28 03:43:33

Support ONVIF and/or RTSP protocols on C420 S or via the Hub 200

Support ONVIF and/or RTSP protocols on C420 S, so other apps can work with the C420. (Or, via the Hub 200.) The Tapo iOS iPhone app needs work. Cameras are nice.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Ireign Friday

Not Connecting To Wifi | Unstable connection

I bought 2 C200 three months ago and both could not connect to wifi. It says, unable to connect to wifi, and unstable connection. I have reset, rebooted, followed every post, work around and nothing s
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By Drj0070 Thursday

Google home/assistant

Unable to display cameras c225 and c125 through Google home, Nest and Google assistant (Gemini). I've linked the account and provided access as per the instructions. I have a new Google pixel 9 pro an
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By bikechick Thursday

Manual recording stops when I switch view to 2nd camera

I'm working on separation anxiey training with my dogs and have to leave my apartment for short periods, and watch them to see how they react. When training starts, they are in view of living room cam
Forums/ Feature Requests
By RonDeChaka Thursday

Download recording using date and time range

I wanted to download recording with a range from XX Date & Time to YY Date & Time. but got only 10 minutes of download feature in the TAPO app . This restriction can be inconvenient, especially for us
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
By philk4you Thursday

Video stream on a personal cloud server

Hi, is it possible to record the video elsewhere than on tapocare ? For example on a personal server ? If it is possible what is the procedure ? Thanks