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Forums/ WiFi
By SimonC. 3 weeks ago

How to manage Omada APs from 2 sites using site-to-site VPN (two subnets)

Hello there, Let's make things clear... I manage a business with two sites in Canada. One site is the main site with an OC200 Omada controller and 5 Omada APs (EAP660HD), then we just open a second si
Forums/ WiFi
By SimonC. 2021-11-16 15:47:53

EAP225-v3 stuck at "Adoption" and then "Provisionning" until Omada SDN v5.0.15 update??

Hi! Yesterday I've done the update of my Omada SDN controler (Windows) to version 5.0.15 from the previous version 4.4.6 and while I carefully read the instructions, there's not mention of any incompa
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
By Patthegeek 2020-11-12 22:24:46

Smart bulb suddenly turns on and off randomly after 2 years of working fine

My LB120 smart bulb suddenly turns on and off randomly after 2 years of working fine. I did everything as a good engineer geek that I am: Delete schedule Remove it from app Reinstall app Reset to fact
Forums/ WiFi
By SimonC. 2021-01-06 14:54:55

Wi-Fi peripheral connecting to farthest EAP instead of nearest?

Hello, I use a TP-Link Omada wireless mesh system in my house. I have two EAP225-V3, first one is the root (wired) in the basement, surrounded by concrete walls as well, so I have limited signal on th
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By SimonC. 2020-11-13 02:00:31

HS103 and KP400 smart plugs "flashing" (resetting) for 1 second randomly

For several weeks now, I experience a strange new issue with a few HS103 smart plugs and also with a KP400 exterior smart plugs where the plugs seem to quickly reboot and cut power for like 1 second,
Forums/ WiFi
By SimonC. 2020-07-03 01:38:25

Omada Controller Software (Windows) don't see any clients... "WAITING FOR DATA" state.

Starting a few days ago, my Omada controller offered me a firmware update for my EAP225-v3 that I've done (2.20.0 Build 20200422 Rel. 70513) but then I noticed that my Omada Controller don't see any c