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Forums/ WiFi
2021-11-26 11:42:45
Re:EAP225-v3 stuck at "Adoption" and then "Provisionning" until Omada SDN v5.0.15 update??
If anyone ever encounter this problem, I was reached by TP-Link customer support and they found an issue with the current SDN controller version 5.0 causing this issue. They temporarily fixed my...
Forums/ WiFi
2021-11-16 15:47:53
EAP225-v3 stuck at "Adoption" and then "Provisionning" until Omada SDN v5.0.15 update??
Hi! Yesterday I've done the update of my Omada SDN controler (Windows) to version 5.0.15 from the previous version 4.4.6 and while I carefully read the instructions, there's not mention of any...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-05-27 12:27:42
Re:Smart bulb suddenly turns on and off randomly after 2 years of working fine
Maleko wrote @Patthegeek I've just purchased three KL130 bulbs and they have been doing this from day one. I have a KL120 which I have had for two years and that is absolutely fine and is in the same...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2021-02-24 14:52:56
Re:Edit Device Names Within Omada Controller
ColoRock wrote I’ve found that many devices revert back to MAC address as name after a few days. MAC address doesn’t change (not “private address”). Happens whether the device is static IP or dhcp....
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-01-10 18:24:13
Re:HS103 and KP400 smart plugs "flashing" (resetting) for 1 second randomly
bugbbq wrote @SimonC. Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm hoping for a fix, but I'm also a little worried about the lack of response I'm seeing from TP Link about this issue. @bugbbq well I have...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-01-10 03:43:41
Re:HS103 and KP400 smart plugs "flashing" (resetting) for 1 second randomly
bugbbq wrote @TP-Link Created this account to say I'm having the same issue with all 5 HS103's I purchased last month. They will randomly flicker off then on. Real pain in the butt when I used one to...