Requests & Suggestions
Merge Park and Patrol functions to work in tandem
Hello, Right now, my Vigi C540 works either only in Patrol OR Park mode, which is not ideal. I would like the camera to patrol some presets, then goes into park mode for a certain period before going
Patrol, park to preset not working correctly
Hello Vigi experts, I would my camera to work in the following fashion : Park at a preset for 5 minutes, after which it goes into patrol mode going thru a series of 4 presets of 1 minute each. After p
Feature Requests
2024-09-10 12:53:01
Energy bill calculated by consumed power
Please add a third option for power bill calculation. Please add a option to set power thresholds for power bill Eg. 0-100 kWh, price X 100-300 kWh, price Y Over 300 kWh, price Z Total should be X + Y