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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By alantch Wednesday

Merge Park and Patrol functions to work in tandem

Hello, Right now, my Vigi C540 works either only in Patrol OR Park mode, which is not ideal. I would like the camera to patrol some presets, then goes into park mode for a certain period before going
Forums/ Cameras
By alantch Monday

Patrol, park to preset not working correctly

Hello Vigi experts, I would my camera to work in the following fashion : Park at a preset for 5 minutes, after which it goes into patrol mode going thru a series of 4 presets of 1 minute each. After p
Forums/ Feature Requests
By Luka02 2024-09-10 12:53:01

Energy bill calculated by consumed power

Please add a third option for power bill calculation. Please add a option to set power thresholds for power bill Eg. 0-100 kWh, price X 100-300 kWh, price Y Over 300 kWh, price Z Total should be X + Y