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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By Trollen 2024-05-13 15:30:21

Omada Routers with openvpn , option to use a ca issued certificate e.g. lets encrypt.

Hi TP-Link I have a feature request. that is to include the option to use a ca issue certificate on the routers open vpn solution , so I can avoid using a self signed certificate. similar to when the
Forums/ WiFi
By madk_ 2024-05-31 08:23:14

PPSK Analytics / Insights; PPSK based VLAN security; Single vs Multiple SSIDs

Hello, id like to ask on some advice for the following context and requirements: - 3x EAP653 - OC200 - Smart Switches - a few human users - 50+ IoT devices So far i thought to create a few VLANs: LAN(