Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2 weeks ago
New bulbs in Tapo App
Hello I just saw new bulbs in the application (including L430C and L430P) when will they be available? Thank you
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-18 13:19:40
Archer AX53 Do they support FING?
Hello, I would like to know if the Archer AX53 router supports the new integration FING for advanced device detection. Thank you
Tapo Smart Hub
2024-08-25 19:18:59
Matter On Kasa KH100 Hub
Bonjour, j’ai récemment acquis le hub Kasa Kh100, j’ai aussi le hub Tapo, c’est pareil sauf au niveau matter qui n’est supporté que par le hub Tapo, prévoyez-vous de rendre le hub Kasa compatible matt
Feature Request
2024-01-23 01:54:16
Kasa KH100 is Matter as the tapo hub ?
Hello, I have the opportunity to buy a ke100 thermostatic kit and it comes with the kasa kh100 hub. I have a tapo hub that is matter compatible, is the kasa hub also matter compatible and with all tap
Feature Requests
2023-12-31 00:39:31
Water Leak Sensor in Alexa Routines
Hello, Amazon has recently allowed developers to add water leak sensors in Alexa routines, can you do this with the Tapo T300? it would be so convenient!! Thank you