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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
By ss1gohan13 2023-09-12 02:27:30

Request: Allow/enable more than 2 DNS

Docker controller ver: 5.9.31 Gateway: ER7206 - FW: 1.3.0 Switch: TL-SG2428P - FW: 5.0.5 Please allow the option to assign more than 2 DNS IPs per subnet/VLAN. Thank you,
Forums/ Routers
By Death_Metal 2023-03-17 02:24:18

Isolated VLAN Configuration for Omada

Updated 04/11/22 - updated x.1 with x.0 for Networks: There was a time where .0 is not accepted, but now it is fixed. Hello All. I have created a new version of the previous design I shared I shared.
Forums/ Switches
By ss1gohan13 2023-09-10 04:02:49

SOLVED - ACL Issue - Losing connection to dedicated server

Evening all, I'm having an issue with (continuous) network communication to a DMZ network I have setup for dedicated gaming servers. Here is a brief summary: VLAN 1: VLAN30: 192.168.30.
Forums/ Controllers
By ss1gohan13 2023-08-13 22:52:24

Question: One profile per port?

Evening all, Not sure if this is a bug, or by design, but I was playing around with my new TL-SG2428P and when I was setting up VLANs I tried assigning a profile I made to 2 different ports. After doi
Forums/ WiFi
By ss1gohan13 2022-12-16 04:12:19

Assistance with mDNS

Hey all, I am currently trying to get mDNS to work across a some of my VLANs. I am currently running PFSense as my router, have open firewall rules, and am running Avahi to enable mDNS on my VLANs. Af