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Forums/ Feature Requests
By Wayne_ER602_V2 a week ago

Support for c425 OVINF/RTSP

Adding ONVIF support for Tapo C410, C420, and C425 cameras would bring significant benefits to the user
Forums/ Feature Requests
By algorythm 2024-07-15 12:20:22

Support in C425 for OVINF / RTSP

Please add OVINF / RTSP support to this camera, it's an IP camera like many others, o should be doable! Also this way we can get it better integrated with Home Assistant and other smart ecosystems lik
Forums/ Routers
By Wayne_ER602_V2 2022-05-21 11:37:00

ER605 v2.0_lan port stops working after about 15 days until you unplug and re plug it in.

I Have noticed that the lan port starts to hang and become un responsive after about 15 days, you have to unplug the cable plug it back in then it starts working again, i have diabled dhcp as i can se