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Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
RE:Rich notificacions with snapshots (camera): Free for everyone
I agree its a safety issue
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
Re:RTSP on C425
This is ridiculous, me myself I have invested in this product with the solar panel, and they remove the features, they should be offering all the customers a FULL refund
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
RE:Continuous Recording/Always On Feature for Battery Powered Cameras
I too require this
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:Tapo C425 - Why is this with RTSP ?!?
Even after new firmware update no RTSP this is ridiculous
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
Support for c425 OVINF/RTSP
Adding ONVIF support for Tapo C410, C420, and C425 cameras would bring significant benefits to the user
Forums/ Feature Requests
a week ago
RE:Support in C425 for OVINF / RTSP
Please add OVINF / RTSP support to this camera You have a good product here, but its been butchered by the lack off OVINF / RTSP, you going to loose customers, I won't buy another one until its fixed