Wi-Fi Routers
2025-01-15 13:25:21
Sewtting up qa New AX3000 routrer
I have connected my laptop to the routert I have got to this page I don't know or have a password so I click forgot password. It says to reset the router which I do but just get back to this page agai
Wi-Fi Routers
2025-01-14 16:30:38
Setting up new router
I am trying to set up an Archer AXZ3000 router . It says connected but without internet. How do I get connected to the internet?
Tapo Smart Plug
2023-12-31 16:13:03
Can't set up Smart plug
I have previously set this up but when I came to user it again the app on my phone had gone and been replaced by an app called Tap. I have now installed Tapo but it can't detect the plug. I have held
Powerline Adapters
2023-08-27 13:41:25
Pairing Powerline Adapteres
I have 3 pairs of powerline adapters. One pair stayed paired for over a year. I have now spent over 3 hours trying desperately to get any of them to pair before I throw them away and run an Ethernet c
2020-12-31 18:16:37
Setting up EAP110
Instructions say connect wirelessly by using the default SSID format TP-Link_2,4GHz_xxxxxx printed on the label at the bottom of the product. Is this on the transmitter itself - in which case there is