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Forums/ Controllers
2025-01-31 17:55:52
Re:The Slow Broswer Issue On the Omada Hardware Controller v5.12
@Hank21 A workaround for this issue it to change or rename your clients using the Omada app.... Its seamless and there is no lag.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-12-31 13:35:41
Essentials 1.20 and Heartbeats being missed
Opening up Essentials 1.20 this morning the FIRST thing I noticed was my 2-AP's displaying "Heartbeat Missed" messages... about a minute late, with the same Essentials page open(Devices), the message...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-05-13 17:43:46
Re:Omada Controll only connects if firewall is OFF
@ChrisK619 Thanks for all the replies. What I have found happened during the May 12th Win 11 Updater was that the update "unchecked" the ".NET Framework" from Windows Programs & Featured in Conraol...
Forums/ WiFi
2022-05-12 12:35:31
Omada Controll only connects if firewall is OFF
I've never had any issue connecting my 2 EAP225's to my Omada Software controller. Until now. After upgrading the Software to 3.5.1 I can't even see the EAP's until or unless I turn OFF Windows...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-10-14 21:56:41
Re:I’m using FIOS wireless internet
@JSchnee21 thank you for responding. I have 2 EAP225 outdoor units doing nothing in my drawer since I got them. wirking in it tomorrow! chris K
Forums/ WiFi
2020-10-14 21:12:38
I’m using FIOS wireless internet
I'm interested in really extending my Wireless outside my home using my current Verizon Fios internet connection. Is there a way to use either the Ethernet cable to extend my current internet or use...