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Forums/ Deco
2 hours ago
Re:Unreliable connection for ios devices
Sadly, Still issue, iOS says connected but has no internet after a while. Sometimes it' manage to get internet aftert maybe 5 sec otherwise you need to disconnect an connect again.
Forums/ Deco
3 hours ago
Re:Unreliable connection for ios devices
Actually, turning off all the settings from the post actually seems to work better. But need to test further.
Forums/ Deco
10 hours ago
Re:Unreliable connection for ios devices
@SteveWex it's off
Forums/ Deco
10 hours ago
Unreliable connection for ios devices
I have two be65. Android, Windows and MAC computers working great over wifi, but all iOS devices keeps loosing internet connection even though they seems to be connected to wifi. Other iOS...