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Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-12-16 22:38:27
Re:I am angry why static IP addresses cannot be configured on ER605 and SG2008P?
@Revvers I fixed the issue – my organization was set up wrong. Previously, I used the Essential version without the OC200, but after buying it, I had to create a new organization in Standard mode...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-12-16 18:26:16
I am angry why static IP addresses cannot be configured on ER605 and SG2008P?
After many weeks of browsing models and their specifications, I picked one that was supposed to meet my expectations. Unfortunately, it doesn’t, and I’m disappointed – a lot of money went to waste....
Forums/ General Discussion
2024-11-24 14:57:11
Re:Need advice on expanding infrastructure and choosing network equipment
@Revvers Here’s a very short version of your network VLAN breakdown: VLAN 10: Private (internal devices, controlled internet access) VLAN 20: Work (PCs, printers, NAS 2, controlled internet access)...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-23 20:52:03
Re:Can EAP 615 wall be mounted surface-mounted without chiseling the wall?
@d0ugmac1 Thank you, but it seems that the mentioned products are not available in my country (Poland). However, this gave me an idea, and I found some 3D printing models that allow for wall or desk...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-22 10:53:07
Re:Can EAP 615 wall be mounted surface-mounted without chiseling the wall?
@Vincent-TP By surface-mounted, I mean installing the device directly onto the surface of the wall without recessing it or chiseling into the wall to create space for a back box or hidden cables....
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-21 20:03:59
Can EAP 615 wall be mounted surface-mounted without chiseling the wall?
Hello, I am considering installing the TP-Link EAP 615 Wall outlet. I’d like to know if it’s possible to mount it as a surface-mounted device (without chiseling the wall for a back box and cables)....