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Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
being away is tiresome when somebody contacts you and wants to order voucher. so i made a solution to avail a piso wifi vendo machine with ezwifi operating system. however theres no tutorial on how...
Forums/ Controllers
3 weeks ago
vlan er605
hello can u give me a good vlan setup, my topology is omada hardware cont i i isp--------er605-----tp link ap i i switch TlL SG100SLP-------- tp link ap i____ laptop give me a good vlan setup
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-09 12:43:15
Re:omada oc200 version voucher type no portal display and always loading portal
@TW_EPC yup same solutiom and it work smoothly
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-09 10:25:04
Re:omada oc200 version voucher type no portal display and always loading portal
@Vincent-TP in this version there is no manual upgrade botton ,only check for updates how ever i have solve my problem by creating new portal and connecting it to new ssid, while the bugged sssid is...
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-09 05:13:32
Re:omada oc200 version voucher type no portal display and always loading portal
Many device cant connect even openning apps Even if I clear cache how can u connect and enter voucher code if portal is blank and always loading white screen
Forums/ Controllers
2024-08-09 05:11:24
Re:omada oc200 version voucher type no portal display and always loading portal