omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine

omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine

omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
a week ago
Model: OC200  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

being away is tiresome when somebody contacts you and wants to order voucher.

so i made a solution to avail a piso wifi vendo machine with ezwifi operating system.


however theres no tutorial on how to integrate an existing omada ssid network to a pisowifi vendo environment.

please give me detailed instruction

1 Reply
Re:omada controller configuration with pisowifi vendo machine
a week ago

Hi  @b4tm4n 


I don't quite understand.

Did you enable cloud access?


being away is tiresome when somebody contacts you and wants to order voucher.

>>>> Login the controller remotely, and provide a new voucher, or extend time, this can be easily resolved.


