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Stories/ Tapo Smart Sensor
17 hours ago
Re:TP-Link Sub-GHz Technology Brings the New Tapo Lineup of Smart Hub, Sensors,Switches and More.
@Frand0m hi, the Tapo C420 V1 and V1.2 connect to the Tapo H200 via Sub-G rather than Wi-Fi... If they support Wi-Fi, I think they can connect to the router directly without the hub.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
a week ago
Re:C310 shows slowly flashing red light on installing with wireless connection
@JohnRose you can post the link with space in it, such as htt ps :// w w
Forums/ Feature Requests
2 weeks ago
Re:Alexa skill on/off toggle
@DeXtA211 Are you referring to using the S200D toggle on/off the E14 SES bulbs by toggle on/off the bulb's Alexa skill?
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:nc450 contraseña error con admin
HI, I see some feedback here that solved the issue:
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
3 weeks ago
Re:NC260 tpCamera wrong password
@jorgesereno you can change the login username and password for a try if possible, not change password only
Forums/ Feature Requests
2024-11-14 09:01:07
RE:Viewing Tapo C200 through Windows 10 PC
@WSC4 if your camera connects to wifi rather than the hub, it won't store video recordings to the SD card inserted into the hub even if they are under the same network.