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Forums/ Feature Requests
2025-01-24 11:37:31
Re:Leaner version of Tapo app
@sakamotoyuki different versions of Tapo app have different requirements for phone's OS versions, maybe your device's OS is too old and can't work well with the new app. Trying the old app version...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-20 06:16:49
Re:Tapo App for Macbook Intel Processor
@astph just go to the app store on your Macbook to download the tapo app and then log into it with your tplink account...
Forums/ Feature Requests
2025-01-10 09:28:31
Re:Choose notification sound
@GGYS if you want to receive a ring call when someone presses the doorbell, ensure the Doorbell Video Call > Ring Call is selected on the doorbell's device settings > Doorbell page.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-09 03:20:59
Re:Cámara Tapo c520WS problemas para usar desde amazon alexa (no aparece la skill tapo)
@None77 Change the Alexa account region may help: h tt ps:// ww w. amaz onfo rum . co m/s/ question/0D 56Q00009YtWs9S AF/how-do -i-chan ge-my-al exa- account-region (pay attention to delete the space...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2025-01-07 11:45:19
Re:Tapo c200 rtsp and onvif not working anymore
@Ronzino If you have a problem establishing the RTSP or onvif connection, this thread( may be helpful.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-31 09:59:02
Re:Firmware for Tapo c210 and c200
@ByteMyBit you can find the firmware release notes of a specific firmware version on the TP-Link official website( after searching for the model and selecting the hardware...