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Forums/ Routers
2024-11-08 00:44:35
Re:How to Configure Bridge VLAN(MDUs) for Apartment or Hotel Scenarios
MR.S wrote @Icthus you should consider PPSK, then you only need one SSID for all vlans. it is the only way to solve your problem. on. https://community.tp-link.com/en/business/forum/topic/620762 it...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-07 15:37:48
Re:How to Configure Bridge VLAN(MDUs) for Apartment or Hotel Scenarios
@Kenallo What you said is confusing. You said, "Bridge VLAN is not targeted for such use cases." But then you go on to say, "Bridge VLAN is typically for PPSK use case where you have more VLANs, but...
Forums/ Routers
2024-11-07 04:00:10
Re:How to Configure Bridge VLAN(MDUs) for Apartment or Hotel Scenarios
@Clive_A I tried setting up a Bridge VLAN today for a client according to your directions. If I understand your example, it describes setting up an SSID for each of the Bridged VLANs. The problem is...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-11-02 14:40:01
Re:Some SSIDs no longer have internet access
TP-Link support said the network was configured correctly. However, they said that there were EAP ACL rules set that were unnecessary, because the same rules in the switch would take care of the VLAN...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-29 13:57:08
Some SSIDs no longer have internet access
Yesterday, I had 2 customers call with the same issue. Only 1 of the 3 configured SSIDs will provide internet access. Prior to this, they worked perfectly. I will use one shop as the example. They...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-04-11 13:50:07
Re:Maximum SSIDs
@MR.S If I understand the document correctly (and actually tried this in a test just now), this means: I create a PPSK profile named Apartment and in that profile I create a PPSK list. The list...