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Forums/ Routers
14 hours ago
Re:ER-650 v2 latest FW?
Well I've tried both. The Canada site doesn't even have 2.2.5 and from the global site I've tried both, going to 2.2.5 first, before 2.2.6 but gives me the same error. So not sure what's up...
Forums/ Routers
Re:ER-650 v2 latest FW?
@D-C thanks for the reply, ok I thought there may be some newer FW as that is from July. In any case, I'm trying to upgrade my v2 from 2.2.4 Build 20240119 Rel.44368 and it's giving me an error...
Forums/ Routers
ER-650 v2 latest FW?
Where can one find the latest FW for this router? Is there anything recent? This forum has a very bad layout to find such a thing, also the support site may or may not be up to date, stuff gets...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-06-19 01:03:19
Re:Where do I get latest FW for this access point EAP245 v3 CANADA?? Confusing...
@Hank21 thanks, what's the difference between Canada and US fw? A v3 unit for us or canada would hve the smae hw i presume, so i dont see why it wouldn't work. I'm full on for the "if it ain't broke...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-06-17 14:43:42
Where do I get latest FW for this access point EAP245 v3 CANADA?? Confusing...
I have one of these EAP245 units, for Canada - it's on old FW and would like to get it more up to date. EAP245 3.0 / 5.0.5 Build 20220323 Rel. 68784(5553) Now, when I look at the US and CA TP-Link...
Forums/ Routers
2024-01-02 03:32:08
OpenVPN - confused on instructions
Hi, I'm trying to configure OpenVPN server on me ER605, and I'm a bit confused with the instructions here: https://www.tp-link.com/ca/support/faq/3632/ (How to Configure TP-Link Omada Gateway as...