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Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Re:Disconnection Logs
Hello @Vincent-TP Thank you for your reply. I've done those steps already. Weirdly, it keeps coming back. I do ping tests on our controller, gateway, and internet daily, and if there are event logs...
Forums/ Controllers
a week ago
Disconnection Logs
Hello Everyone, Good day. Have you noticed frequent disconnection logs of devices in the Omada controller? We always get this kind of log and it seems to create missing logs in our ISP Dashboard...
Forums/ WiFi
2024-08-13 00:31:47
Re:EAP620 HD_V3_1.3.0 | EAP660 HD_V1_1.3.1 Pre-release (Released on Aug 2nd, 2024)
Hello @Vincent-TP I just wanted to ask when is this firmware going to be officially released from the website, can you confirm that this is not the beta version anymore? Thank you in advance.
Forums/ WiFi
2024-08-02 00:42:47
Re:EAP620 HD_V3 | EAP660 HD_V1_1.3.0 Beta Firmware (Released on Apr 2nd, 2024)
@Hank21 Good day. I just wanted to ask, when do you usually make the beta version available as an officially released version? and do you plan to add a dynamic mac binding to PPSK in the future? just...
Forums/ Routers
2024-06-14 03:12:51
Link Backup and Policy routing
Hello Everyone, Does anyone know why the link backup conflicts with the policy routing feature in Omada? Before both features work together when both are enabled. But now when I allow the link backup...
Forums/ Routers
2024-03-08 00:25:46
Re:Blank Report in Dashboard
Hi @Clive_A Sorry, I overlooked the email. I'll send the logs now. Thanks for the help