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Forums/ Routers
2022-09-13 20:43:00
Re:ER605 site-to-site VPN
Also, do the Local and Remote network in the ipsec config be different from the LAN IP's of the respective ER605? The LAN in the ER605 in point A is so I use that as the Remote network...
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-13 17:03:09
Re:ER605 site-to-site VPN
Okay. I have set up ipsec site-to-site vpn on both ER605. Yes, ddns is accepted! Well, the logs on both sites says they are connected but I cannot ping the remote local IP from my LAN. Do I have to...
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-13 02:04:12
Re:ER605 System Log: [osg:E8-48-B8-xx-xx-xx] detected Large Ping attack and dropped 60 packets.
After further research, I am surprised to see the MAC of the WAN port of my ER605 is E8-48-B8-xx-xx-FF and the MAC address of the perpetrator is E8-48-B8-xx-xx-FE. So it could be from a device inside...
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-13 00:14:01
ER605 site-to-site VPN
Hello! Can the site-to-site VPN in the ER605 take Dynamic host names? I have DDNS on both sites A and B. Thanks. Also, will IPSec VPN takes too much bandwidth on both sites? Thanks again.
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-12 23:34:51
ER605 System Log: [osg:E8-48-B8-xx-xx-xx] detected Large Ping attack and dropped 60 packets.
Hello. I'm bothered by the entries in my System log so I searched for MAC address lookup for the company responsible for E8-48-B8 MAC. It turns out that it is TP-Link! Is TP-Link trying to attack my...
Forums/ Routers
2022-09-07 10:08:46
Re:ER605 ping from WAN
@Virgo Yes, i ping the WAN side with a public public IP amd dynamic dns by noip_dot_com. Points A and B are in separate geographical locations. As I have mentioned, my watchdog was able to ping point...