Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi

Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi

14 Reply
Re:Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi
3 weeks ago

Tha_host wrote



This is exactly what I encounter!  It happens a few times per day. I have two EAP653 access points, using a software controller and an ER7206 router. My Chromecast 4K does not have this issue and keeps on streaming during an "outage". The same applies for my HP laptop. When it happens, it lasts for, indeed, about half a minute. At the same time, my wifes phone (a Pocophone M3) and my phone (Poco phone X6 Pro) is not having an internet connection during the 30 seconds. The error recovers itself, but still, it's annoying to have 30 seconds "waiting time" a few times a day.


During an outage, I can reach internal devices, but no Internet services. Looks like the routing is temporary messed up. I tried different DNS settings, but this didn't do the trick. I can't see anything weird on the controller: no high wifi channel usage or reprovisioning of an access point for example.


Hope it can be solved....




Exact same issue here, I feel it's a routing issue as internal devices are reachable but not external. I'm on EAP653 also.

Re:Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi
2 weeks ago

  @Tha_host did you get any guidance from support? Thanks.

Re:Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi
2 weeks ago - last edited 2 weeks ago

  @Siddler See my reply in another thread to see how I solved similar issues. Let me know if it works for you.

Re:Frequently no internet whilst connected to WiFi
2 weeks ago



Unfortunately not....  TP-Link support checked the logs, but couldn't find anything. They advised me to enable some more logging. I did, but no (additional) events are logged during an "internet outage". 


For now, I let it rest, and revoked the rights I have given to TP-Link (they want to be an administrator on the controller, which I actually don't like to have this situation for a longer time...)
