Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-03 21:45:36
How To Make My 5G Network Set To 80MHZ Channel Width With Archer AX1450 Router?
Hello, I just bought an Archer AX1450 Router and my internet works great. I bought this new router specifically for better VR gaming, and many guides say that forcing your 5G WiFi onto the 80MHZ chann
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-14 01:23:18
Recommended Installation Height
I am curious of the recommended installation height/elevation for the BE800. What is the max recommended height?
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-11 15:58:17
Archer AX3000 Router with 2 Deco X20's
I want to use my Archer AX3000 with two Deco X20's in A mesh network. Preferably, if like the Archer to be connected to the Internet and use the deco X20's as access points. I can connect one of the X
SOHO Switches
2024-07-06 17:16:15
Not getting 2GB on TL-SG108-M2
Hello, I have the TL-SG108-M2 8 port switch and can't seem to get any connection speed over 900mbps. I have the BE9300 as my router which connects to my switch. When I try my connection speed using th
Access Points
2024-07-06 20:37:07
Can my new access point use same SSID for seamless switching
I have an AC1200 wired into my Ethernet and want it to act as a range extender so that everything is on the same wireless network vs having to switch between. What has to happen to do that?
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-07-09 04:17:16
Archer BE805 - "Advanced > Network" page missing when router is in Access Point mode.
Hello! I just got a new Archer BE805 in, and I'm having a seemingly firmware-related issue. I'd like to use the router as an access point and slightly managed switch. 🤓 Unfortunately, if the router is