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Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By jw88 3 weeks ago

HS103 auto timer smart feature not consistently working

Hi! We have had a HS103 snart plug for over a year now. One of the main reasons we got smart plugs was to control our hot water pump, which we use a smart action to turn it off after it has been on fo
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By WillyB46 2024-12-08 19:29:27

EP25 DOES NOT work with Alexa. Please update description in Amazon!

First not sure about firmware 2.61, but latest updated when I installed this morning. Had I realized this is a different device from the EIGHT HS103's I have already, I'd never have purchased the 2-pa
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By stoopid_mike 2023-05-11 23:16:18

Smart Plug HS103V5 will turn stereo ON, but not OFF

As my stereo is located in my garage, I want to have Alexa turn the music ON and OFF. HS103 works well to turn ON my music, but it DOES NOT turn the stereo OFF. I have tried two different plugs and ha
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By BruceGl 2022-11-16 18:27:07

HS103 plugs unresponsive in Alexa

Saw a few notes on the Alexa forums. It looks like some Kada software update broke the connection from Alexa to the Kada HS103 plugs. All of my HS103 plugs are now "unresponsive" on my Alexa. Switched
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By WorkToday 2021-06-03 03:24:56

HS105 Plugs Hardware V1.0 on 1.5.6 very slow or fail to respond

Man I loved these plugs so much. They were almost instant and would never fail. About a month or so ago 2 of the 3 plugs I have have gotten so bad that I'm debating if I should throw them in the trash
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By colglbo 2022-02-22 13:48:48

Sunrise/Sunset Question

Does anyone know where the sunrise/sunset data comes from? I installed several devices and created schedules based on sunrise and sunset times. I have been watching and the sunrise and sunset on/off t