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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
13 hours ago
Re:Wrong security type specified on box
@Nxus The user guide does not show WPA3 but TP Link's web site spec page does show WPA3. If it were me, with both the box and web site wrong, I would return it.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
17 hours ago
Re:Connection Challenges Causing Devices Struggle/Crashing and Reasons Tether Joined Updates?
@Quest7 The wider the band, the more likely you will get interference. The wider band does offer better speed but in many cases it is not needed.
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
21 hours ago
Re:How can I tell if my AX 21 1.20 router has setting issue or is physically going bad
@SJV I would test check the NAS and PI but like you, I do not think it would be it unless they need more resoures from the router than it can supply. I have had a CAT 6 have a broken wire where it...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:How can I tell if my AX 21 1.20 router has setting issue or is physically going bad
@SJV Do you have any USB devices attached to the router. Test with them disconnected. Also verify your power. I have seen strange things when the battery in a UPS was going bad. Others have reported...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:How can I tell if my AX 21 1.20 router has setting issue or is physically going bad
@SJV If I suspect the ISP, I connect a PC direct to the modem and see if there is an issue. When I suspect that a router may be going bad, I would do a factory reset and renter the settings. I have...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
Re:No Internet
@WIMark As part of the install process, you need to power off and unplug the modem for a bit of time so it resets the modem so it will connect with the router. Does not always need it but does many...