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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2018-11-01 08:05:23
Re:Smart LED Bulb turning on
hellenjos is a spammer, her comment was nonsense posted to imbed a link. At least it wasn't a porn link like one of the other spammers has posted - TP Link seems to have abandoned this forum....
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2018-10-22 20:45:25
Re:failed: Device has bind other account
Not sure about the device being bound to another account - maybe it was refurbished? The TP Link support (where ever they've gone, they seldom come here anymore!) will need to help you. The remote...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2018-10-20 21:13:09
Re:Can you manually turn a Smart Bulb on and off?
You might want to prepare yourself for complaints from others that using these bulbs is really annoying, that life was so much easier when they could use a regular wall switch :). There's a few...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2018-10-20 02:28:23
Re:Can you manually turn a Smart Bulb on and off?
Yes that's the expected behavior, as you realized (and support failed to realize!) if the bulb is powered off it can only be turned on by re-applying power. Because of course without power it can't...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-09-22 20:55:19
Re:All new TP link Switches
You could add them all to your network then walk around the house with your phone in hand. Operate each switch manually and find it in Kasa's list by looking for which has changed to rename it...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2018-08-31 22:49:35
Re:Feature Suggestion - Offline Notifications
Looks like a good product, but unfortunately still cloud based... For mission critical needs (in my case it's my home security system) I've setup a local server with battery backup and cellular SMS...