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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-08-16 12:03:42
Re:Light bulbs and Alexa “device is unresponsive”
This is the same problem I continue to have and it occurs randomly. I have linked/unlinked/updated everything. Seems to be a bug between Kasa and Alexa. Sometimes the lights or alexa take a very long...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-08-16 12:01:46
Re:Light bulbs and Alexa “device is unresponsive”
I don't have a photo of the time, it occurs randomly. When problem occurs, can you control the device remotely (LTE or different Wifi network) from the Kasa App? - yes via the kasa app it works Does...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2022-08-01 00:20:50
Light bulbs and Alexa “device is unresponsive”
Frequently and more recently my bulbs randomly will not work with Alexa. Alexa says the "device is unresponsive" in the app. In the kasa app the lights are working just fine. If I physically hit the...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-12-07 21:54:59
Re:HS105 plugs(3) used to work with Alexa, now all say "unresponsive"
I am also having this issue. None of my bulbs or plugs are responsive with Alexa. It says “server is unresponsive” in the Alexa app. 1. Device Model - 2 bulbs kl125p2, 2 plugs hs103p2 2. Model...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-11-02 12:10:56
Re:Kasa Bulb stopped working with Alexa - "there was a problem"
@Solla-topee Thank you it works now!
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2021-11-01 19:08:53
Re:Kasa Bulb stopped working with Alexa - "there was a problem"
Same exact issue here, it must be Kasa. I hope they reply and fix this!