2020-06-21 20:57:40
2FA - Urgent, Data should remain private, current method is vulnerable with brute force
Urgent and with high demand, is tplink going to ensure my data arent shared with 3rd parties through their app with no 2fa? If so and if somehow, someone accesses my account, they can see everything i
2019-01-18 19:35:15
two factor authentication
When will two factor authentication be an option? a strong password is not an acceptable security protocol these days with the brute force tactics that seem to be used. Now you bring in cameras to you
Kasa Cameras
2019-07-19 16:00:38
two-factor authentication for kasa accounts
Is two-factor authentication coming soon for kasa accounts?
Kasa Cameras
2019-12-12 21:33:00
Multi Factor Authentication
It's imperative that you add Multi Factor Authenication to the KASA platform. These cameras are placed in people's homes. We must be able to ensure our privacy and security are protected. This hacks h