Range Extenders
2020-09-05 16:59:20
Decided I'm probably overcomplicating the whole thing. Didn't realize I could replace the Spectrum router. Returning my range extender. Ordered a TP-Link AC1900 router. I'll see how that works first....
Range Extenders
2020-09-05 04:27:26
@Carl Thank you Carl. I had another thought. Could I use a Cat 6 Ethernet cable from my Spectrum router to the TP_link extender and use the extender as an access point? This would work fine if I...
Range Extenders
2020-08-13 02:56:19
Good to find this thread after spending an entire day trying to get my AC1750 to access internet on my Spectrum router. (a warning on Amazon might save a lot of hassles for everyone) As I understand...