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Forums/ Deco
2020-08-06 21:46:29
Re:Deco keeps connecting device to 2.4 network on base vs. a closer deco that is in range for 5.0
@Tony That is a good idea. Thank you for the advice. I had not setup a guest network, so I had not thought of that option. Of course, it would be nice if the product worked as advertised, but this...
Forums/ Deco
2020-08-05 02:10:27
Deco keeps connecting device to 2.4 network on base vs. a closer deco that is in range for 5.0
The deco seems to prefer connecting to a 2.4 GHZ network on the base Deco vs. a closer Deco where 5.0 is in range. Since 2.4 goes further than 5.0 the AppleTV cannot connect to the 5.0 on the base,...