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Forums/ Deco
2020-05-15 18:34:57
Re:TETHER Application can not find my router
Also a big Thank to Tony for his immediately help and correct answer. Thank you Tony.
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-15 18:27:22
Re:TETHER Application can not find my router
@Tony Thanks for everyone for the answers. Finally late the morning i found the solution. I read somewhere in web that if someone have a router/modem and wish to connect an external router for any...
Forums/ Deco
2020-05-14 21:09:53
TETHER Application can not find my router
First i connected my CYTA ( Cyprus) router with the Archer C7 by ethernet !! LAN 1 with LAN1 of Archer C7. I have internet connection with my C7 TP LINK. Also Ethernet connection is fine....