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Forums/ Deco
2022-08-27 13:11:14
Best practice for doorbell and cameras (or how you folks did it)
Howdy all, I'm about to move into a new home and will be setting up the usual doorbell, thermostat and a couple of camera's (all wifi). I did a search the forums for camera's then doorbell and saw...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-23 12:08:14
Re:Deco X20's, two cable modems one mesh is it possible? How?
Just an update to how I laid this out. I changed the primary deco network dhcp to hand out .50 - .100 kept the gateway as .1 Setup new deco's network (outside range of the existing network) the...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-07 14:19:39
Re:Deco X20's, two cable modems one mesh is it possible? How?
@TP-Link Thanks very much for the response! All of your comments and thoughts make sense, the only question I have is if I follow your idea of setting up 2 mesh networks with the same wifi and ssid...
Forums/ Deco
2022-02-06 19:55:04
Deco X20's, two cable modems one mesh is it possible? How?
Howdy all, We currently have 2 Deco X20's connected to our cable modem (Spectrum) which provides great coverage for our home. We also have a shop (where I spend a fair amount of time) that is...
Forums/ Deco
2021-08-05 15:34:38
Mesh product (or not) thoughts for a friends setup.
Howdy all, I often help a friend out with their wireless network and I’ve been pretty happy using TP-link products to do this for a while. They are looking to make some changes and with mesh becoming...