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Forums/ Deco
13 hours ago
Parental controls auto booting phone
Everytime I try to connect a device (android phone), it has a notification to sign into the network even though it saved the password. When click on the notification, it brings up some screen saying...
Forums/ Deco
13 hours ago
Re:Can't edit deco unit names
@yves_b It was the more button. I realized that edit option was removed from options, but now there is a pencil button on the left that allows for editing names. I have resolved the issue.
Forums/ Deco
Can't edit deco unit names
Had 3 M9s and an M5, and added 2 XE75s. I switched the XE75 as my main device. Devices are now in different places. It even auto-assigned thr new main device. I now can't edit the name. I have only...