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Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Re:Deco BE95 / BE33000 - any way to export the configuration(s) / setup
@yves_b thank you for your reply if it indeed is backed up into TP links cloud, where would be the feature where I would say restore" im missing that piece of the puzzle
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Deco BE95 / BE33000 - 3 month heavy use, then this morning solid RED LED on both mesh units
i purchased my DECO BE95 / BE33000 (2 node mesh) 3 months ago ... i work out of the home/office and am in IT. I've used it heavily over the past 3 months without any issues/drops/etc. Last night,...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Deco BE95 / BE33000 - any way to export the configuration(s) / setup
i purchased my DECO BE95 / BE33000 (2 node mesh) 3 months ago ... i spent the last 3 weeks hardening the setup, setting up parental controls, identifying and labeling devices, setting up reserved IP...