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Forums/ Deco
2024-12-02 01:40:10
Re:Deco x55 not showing all wifi devices in app
@BatTech Hello and thx for the info... I tried to get a newer version but the Deco app says i am up to date... Webpage for Hardware version 1.26 says Deco X55(US)_V1.26_1.2.0 Build 20231229 is the...
Forums/ Deco
2024-11-30 14:41:49
Deco x55 not showing all wifi devices in app
I have 3 deco x55 and all are set to wired backhaul. Firmware is the same on all 3. Reception of wifi is awesome but i have a good chunk of wifi devices that are not shown in the app and some of them...