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Forums/ Deco
2024-10-27 01:14:57
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@Graycase I'm throwing in the towel as well... After nine weeks I am still having issues with DLNA streaming. Videos and music stutters. The control time response has a lot of lag. i am going to buy...
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-16 03:11:56
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@Joshvu72 Try using only one satellite and see if that works. Using Wi-Fi only i.e. not using ethernet, what is the distance between all the satellites? The DECO starts weakening at about 40-60 feet,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-08 05:18:46
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@Joshvu72 You can revert back to any of the firmware. Just go to the TP Link Firmware Download site. You will find all the different versions of the firmware there. Here are some suggestions you...
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-07 22:50:19
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@Mango3000 Whatever you do, do not consider the Netgear Orbi... I went through three Orbi systems in six years. They all died like clockwork after 24 months. I seriously considered buying the ASUS...
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-07 00:26:05
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@HelpFixDecoApp The web interface only allows viewing of the router configuration, you cannot configure th router via the web interface...
Forums/ Deco
2024-09-06 22:02:08
Re:Regarding The Deco BE11000 Mesh Router (Costco)
@FM-305 I just upgraded to firmware 1.06 and it appears to have fixed my intermittent issues with DLNA. It could also be the fact that I swapped my two satellites around (I am getting 100% signal on...