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Forums/ Deco
2024-03-05 11:09:36
Re:Deco internet usage per device history
@Go_ofy fully agree this is a much needed feature, even cheaper brands have it
Forums/ Deco
2024-03-05 11:02:55
Re:Ethernet BackHaul Working Topology
@SDWAN-MAN did u disable wireless backhaul? (there is an option for it) My setup is same as yours, am using 2.5Gb ethernet switch that all decos plugfed into, then that's uplinked to att fiber 5Gb...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-22 00:38:24
Re:Deco BE16000: Get Started with Wi-Fi 7
@BJPass I think that dual router setup might likely be your problem... I also have ATT fiber and it's my main router with DHCP service... The deco are just AP mesh with no routing or DHCP server,...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-21 01:16:16
Re:Deco BE16000: Get Started with Wi-Fi 7
@BJPass I haven't had that issue, I have CAT8 ethernet runs between all three and I've never seen it try to switch to wifi back haul.... Those are 2.5GB ethernet so you do need a decent ethernet...
Forums/ Deco
2024-02-06 00:14:17
Re:Deco BE16000: Get Started with Wi-Fi 7
@Riley_S I just got a BE11000 from Amazon last week and now I see this.... what heck? What's the difference? It seems it's just 6 streams vs 8 streams?