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Forums/ Deco
a week ago
Re:Main vs. IoT vs. Guest Networks and Smart Home Functions
I decided to do some testing and this is what I found so far... TL;DR So...the IoT implementation for TP-Link appears to only be a method of managing devices and does not provide any type of...
Forums/ Deco
2 weeks ago
Main vs. IoT vs. Guest Networks and Smart Home Functions
In order to figure out how to best setup my home network (I have a fairly large home network with around 100 devices, many of which are used for smart home functions), I am trying to understand...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2024-06-24 02:23:25
Re:Introducing New Colored Smart Switches (HS200) and Dimmer (HS220)
@Riley_S I would love to see 3-way switches offered in black, that way I can do my kitchen.