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Forums/ Deco
2023-09-06 00:00:50
Re:Ethernet switch connected to Satelllite Deco
@David-TP This worked right out of the box ! Thanks for confirming. I'm up and running with new Deco X-25 and Fiber to the house !
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-18 14:52:35
Re:Ethernet switch connected to Satelllite Deco
@David-TP Thanks for the response. I have to wait another couple of weeks to try this out due to delays in my fiber install. Will let you know what I discover.
Forums/ Deco
2023-08-13 17:00:06
Ethernet switch connected to Satelllite Deco
I'm redesigning my network to use 2 Deco X25's. I have set of devices connected to an Ethernet S/W in one room that I'd rather not move. The main Deco is located in a separate room. I'm wondering if...