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Forums/ Deco
Re:Deco XE75 Pro web interface - why can't I connect from my PC?
@Richj44 If you're connected to the modem and bypassing the deco on your desktop then you would not be able to access it. Different "networks" Richj44 wrote This one has me baffled, so any ideas or...
Forums/ Deco
Re:ATT Fiber BGW320 - Has anyone truly been able to get IP Passthrough to work?
@SteveMat It is ATT, I have two XE75 Pro and I have had some much issues, I finally went and put my DHCP into dynamic so it would stop kicking the mac,the connections from the gateway would drop...
Forums/ Deco
Re:ATT Fiber BGW320 - Has anyone truly been able to get IP Passthrough to work?
@SteveMat I would definitely suggestion not to plug anything into the bgw, only the deco. Also I decided to run without ipv6 and noticed a lot of drops have stopped.