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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2024-04-30 17:29:28
Random Restarts
Since upgrading to the latest firmware on 4/1, the router has been restarting randomly. Not sure if anyone is else is facing similar issues.
Forums/ Feature Request
2023-06-23 11:08:29
VPN Connections
Similar to the ability of viewing various clients (WiFi, IoT, Guest) on the homepage of Deco app, it would be great to have the same ability for VPN clients as well.
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-02 17:39:03
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
All units are XE5300 and they are hard-wired.
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-02 17:27:10
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
I have re-added the nodes 3 times so far. The whole network goes down as soon as I add this one node.
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-02 17:08:57
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
@Riley_S Thanks. But the firmware recovery tool doesnt list XE5300 and all these connectivity issues are happening without even enabling the new IoT network. The unit causing the problem shows as...
Forums/ Deco
2023-06-02 14:59:09
Re:Deco Firmware Updates Adding IoT and Signal Selection for Multiple Models
@Riley_S This update is causing a lot of connectivity issues. XE5300 Consistently dropping connection - Home Network Community (