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Forums/ Deco
2023-05-11 13:40:20
Re:Deco not working well with computer?
@David-TP Following up. At this point, it doesn't appear that the Deco has any benefits to my speed or connection. Please advise.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-07 20:15:54
Re:Deco not working well with computer?
@David-TP The Speedtest on the app says it's downloading over 530 mbps, upload 23.5 mbps. The says my laptop is downloading around 40 mbps, upload 20 mbps.
Forums/ Deco
2023-05-05 13:47:28
Deco not working well with computer?
I recently had my internet provider make some changes and that usually results in disaster. I got my 3 decos re-set up and the speedtests says that they're working great. HOWEVER, the speedtest on my...