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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-02-02 17:54:39
Re:Does Anyone has problem with Magic Jack connected to TP-Link AX1800 WiFi 6 Router (Archer AX21)
@Riley_S Hi Thanks again for you to follow this thread. It looks like the Smart Connect Feature is for wireless, so I did not bother with that. Yesterday, I enabled IPTV/VLAN under Quick...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-02-01 21:56:35
Re:Does Anyone has problem with Magic Jack connected to TP-Link AX1800 WiFi 6 Router (Archer AX21)
@Riley_S Thanks for the quick reply! The MagicJack is connected to the router directly through an ethernet cable (RJ45), so there will be no SSID problem. By the way, how do I disable the Smart...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2023-01-31 22:36:18
Does Anyone has problem with Magic Jack connected to TP-Link AX1800 WiFi 6 Router (Archer AX21)
Hi, I recently installed brand new Archer AX2 Wifi 6 router and connected a brand new magicJack New 2022 VOIP Phone Adapter to the router. Everyday, my magicJack will drop out (unable to call out or...