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Forums/ Adapters
2022-12-06 03:07:28
Re:Archer T9UH v2 - Only connects at 600mbps
My internet download speed is 200mbps. When using the original drivers that were on the CD, I reached a download speed of 217. However, when I installed the latest drivers, my download speed was...
Forums/ Adapters
2022-12-06 03:02:16
Re:Archer T9UH v2 Network Drops (Win 11)
@MrSantos I would like to make a comment. I bought a couple of T9UH adapters. When using the original drivers, my download speed was as high as 210mbps, speedtest.net. When I installed the latest...
Forums/ Adapters
2022-12-06 02:53:52
Re:UB500 wont recognize my headphones
@nogerO I have experienced slow reorganization of connecting devices with the UB500. To confirm that the adapter is installed properly, try pairing your phone first. If it pairs, then you confirmed...