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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-08-08 09:43:10
Re:Archer C24 internet crashes every 105 minutes
@Kevin_Z Thanks for your help! It looks like the problem appearing with the new router is a coincidence. The problem was on the ISP side: each time I got my IP lease ended by the ISP, the connection...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-08-05 10:36:00
Re:Archer C24 internet crashes every 105 minutes
@Kevin_Z The light is green all the way, the PC won't show any "No internet" either, it's just every application or game disconnects when the "crash" happens. My ISP is "Volia" (Ukraine, volia dot...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-08-04 16:00:17
Re:Archer C24 internet crashes every 105 minutes
@IrvSp I've tried changing lease time to 1 day, but that didn't help - still geting crashes every 105 minutes
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2022-08-04 12:51:55
Archer C24 internet crashes every 105 minutes
Hello! Bought a new router - Archer C24. Everything is fine, but every 1.45 hour (105 minutes) the internet crashes for a few seconds, which is enough to mess up all the web applications I'm working...