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Forums/ Deco
2022-10-22 21:54:05
Re:Slow Wired speed (Deco AX3600)
@Heidi_Alp - thank you, QOS was the problem. Another user guided me to finding the QOS setting, somewhat hidden in the Homeshield section. I The problem was the QOS download speed was set at 600mbps,...
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-17 13:11:18
Re:Slow Wired speed (Deco AX3600)
@Heidi_Alp Hi - Thanks for the suggestion. My understanding is that QOS is a premium feature inside a Homeshield subscription, which I don't have. So I would think my QOS settings are at default....
Forums/ Deco
2022-10-14 23:57:19
Slow Wired speed (Deco AX3600)
I have Comcast Gigabit service, and reliably get ~950mbps down / 40 mbps up when I connect a PC directly to the modem using an ethernet cable. When I connect the same PC using the same ethernet cable...