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Forums/ Deco
2021-07-21 23:33:33
Re:Deco X90 - Internet drop outs
I have both X90 and X5700. It seems the problem was with one network only and the feed from the cable company. Very strange. X5700 and X90 now working fine. Lou
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-21 23:30:06
Re:Poor performance with X90
@The_Shanester I've been able to get 800mb down on my 800mb xFinity plan. My units are wired for backhaul so I get about the same speed on the satelite unit. Sorry for your troubles. Lou
Forums/ Deco
2021-07-03 12:27:43
Re:Deco X90 - Internet drop outs
Also updated firmware. Hoping it solves my problem. Otherwise, I'm going back to the Deco X60.. Lou
Forums/ Deco
2021-06-29 13:37:37
Deco X90 - Internet drop outs - SOLVED
Upgraded from Deco X60 to X90. The Deco X60 proved to be a very reliable, consistent mesh system. Loved it. New Deco X90 experiencing drop out's on a regular basis. Roku streaming pauses or reports...