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Forums/ Access Points
2021-04-10 12:23:47
Re:Does a access point need to be hardwired (Ethernet) to main router?
@Tony Is there a reason why I shouldn't use this as a access point? Because it is a V6 ? Would I get better reception in range extender mode by hard wiring it to main router, using Ethernet cable? I...
Forums/ Access Points
2021-03-28 13:20:06
Does a access point need to be hardwired (Ethernet) to main router?
Does a access point ( old router) need to be hardwired ( Ethernet cable) to my main Modem/Router? When there is talk of wirelessly connecting this, I don't understand. Wouldn't that be a lower WiFi...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2021-03-20 13:20:01
Which is a Better Extender for Spectrum Router
I currently have a RE220 extender, that I have attached to a home surveillance system, that has a NVR with it's own WiFi. . I also have a few Roko video systems that run off of my home WiFi network....