Connecting to a specific band (5GHz)
Checking if I’m doing this right. I have about 90 devices connected to a tri-band network (2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz). I have only 2 Wi-Fi 6 devices that connect and provide almost Ethernet-like speeds and low latency. My 2020 M1 MacBook Pro Max can only do up to 5GHz, but ‘smart connect’ always assigns 5GHz-compatible devices to 2.4GHz, which is slow and only gets 0.1% of the 1GB symmetric up and download speeds in a single-level 900 square-foot unit (the wifi signal is strong throughout from just a router).
Is there a way to manually push a dual-band device to 5GHz? The only solution I found is going into terminal to execute a code or turn off smart connect and separate the 2.4 and 5GHz networks, which is fine but annoying as some HomeKit items say I am out of home when I connect to the non 2.4ghz network.