Archer AX50: ping response rate on wireless periodically atrocious
Several times a day the wifi connection from my laptop (Apple MacBook Air 2020 M1, Sonoma 14.6.1) gets incredibly slow. I set up a repeating ping from my laptop (to Normally there's a 30ms response rate. When the slowdown is happening, the ping rate is anywhere from 2000ms to 9000ms, or times out entirely. This condition lasts several minutes and eventually corrects itself.
During a slowdown, running the same ping from a computer that's ethernet-attached to the router, the response rate remains a steady 30ms.
Meanwhhile, running a ping app on the iPhone also shows a slowdown.
This indicates to me that the problem is wireless related, and not specific to the one laptop.
A quick look at ping output suggests that each slowdown lasts around 300 seconds, but don't hold me to it.